Heather and Jazmin struck out this last weekend to the Magnolia show to get a few more performance horses qualified for the upcoming Region 12 show next month and they did great! Not just pretty faces, these boys are all wearing leather and working hard after successful halter careers as youngsters. Talaria Type, form to function, these are beautiful horses who are excelling in the performance ring.
Shahlune (TF Royal Shahbaz x Elle Luna MAS) ~ unanimous 1st in the Western Pleasure Jr Horse and unanimous Jr Horse Champion
TF Salsa Royale (TF Royale Shahbaz x Sweet Stella V) ~ unanimous 2nd in Open Hunter Pleasure and unanimous reserve in the Open Hunter championship.
TF Afrikhan Light (Botswana x TF Kestrelia) ~ 2nd in Western Pleasure ladies/gentleman class and 1st in Western Pleasure Maiden Horse.
TF Senzational (Ezno x TF Samantha) ~ 1st and 2nd in Hunter Select Rider and unanimous Reserve Champion in the hunter ATR championship
All of these great geldings are available and can be seen at Region 12. Drop by Talaria Farms stalls and ask one of the staff to see them!